
This controller is made for encrypting and decrypting values for storage. You can control the salt and key to use as encryption handler.


You can add two fields to specify a specific key and salt for encryption:


If not set it will use the APP_KEY as key and change it a bit for a salt.

Changing the key and/or salt will make previously encrypted values unreadable for the decrypt function!!

Start of by importing the controller where you are using it

use NaN\NanGeneralController\Controllers\EncryptionController;


A function for encrypting data for storage.


$phone_number = '+31612345678';
$EncryptionController = new EncryptionController();
$encrypted = $EncryptionController->encrypt($phone_number);

Tip: Set the debug paramater to true to see what the validation fails on

$ValidationController->validateEmail($email, true);

// invalid_mx_or_a_record
// invalid_domain
// invalid_pregmatch_validate
// invalid_filter_validate


A way to decrypt the encrypted values. This only works on values encrypted with the same key and salt as you are trying to decrypt.


$number_value = '9H92n....eExMQT0FUDZq=';
$ValidationController = new ValidationController();
$phone_number = $ValidationController->decrypt($number_value, true);    


Get a dummy example of the decrypted value for displaying purposes. It only shows the first 3 chars and adds a '●'-char for every other character in the string.

$api_key = 'Hn929....MUDZqQT0eExF=';
$ValidationController = new ValidationController();
$api_key = $ValidationController->decrypt($api_key, true);    
$api_key_to_show = $ValidationController->getDummy($api_key, true);

Contains dummy character

Function to check if a string contains dummy characters. This is so you can prevent the saving of a submitted dummy-ised value

$submitted_value = 'jes●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●';
$EncryptionController = new EncryptionController();
if (!$EncryptionController->containsDummyCharacter($submitted_value)){
    // Do stuff

Decrypt object values

Function to decrypt a encrypted object. For example when getting a entry from a database, you can decrypt the object at once

$user = User::find(1);
$EncryptionController = new EncryptionController();
        $user = $EncryptionController->decryptObjectValues($user);

Last updated