
This package is outdated and the documentation as well


An easy no-hassle way to validate email addresses. It validates on basic faults like not a valid format, but it also checks if the domain can be mailed.

validate_email($email, $debug = false)


use NanFunctions\Validate;

$validator = new Validate();
$valid = $validator->validate_email('info@example.com');
echo $valid ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid';

Tip: Set the debug paramater to true to see what the email fails on


An easy no-hassle way to validate a phone number.

validate_phone_number($email, $country_code= false)


use NanFunctions\Validate;

$validator = new Validate();
// First parameter is the phone number. Second paramater is if country code is allow
$valid = $validator->validate_phone_number('+31612345678', true);

echo $valid ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid';

Tip: Set the debug paramater to true to allow the phone number to have a country code like +31

Last updated